It is hard to believe that 2 years ago today I gave birth to my sweet angel baby, Ian. I thought I would never make it through the first year much less 2 but God has been so faithful to our little family. In my earthly life, I will never know why God chose me to walk this road filled with loss and grief but I do know that He has been with me through all the twists and turns, mountains and valleys. Daily I remind myself that God has such a greater plan for my life and for my family. I remember that if we had not lost Ian 2 years ago we would not have our beautiful and precious Ava Kate. I cannot imagine my life without this spunky and loving little girl. She has brought such joy to my heart over this past year where before was much pain and I am eternally grateful for the chance to be her mom. We are taking Ava to "meet" her brother for the first time today. I know that she will not understand right now but I pray that I will always tell her about her brother, her very own special guardian angel.
This past week I just read the book, "Heaven is For Real". What an amazing story of Heaven and what is to come for us. I always knew that I would see my son again but you always wonder if you will know it is them or will he know I'm his mom. I truly believe that I will know him and he will know me and he will know Ava and his daddy. So grateful for that assurance right at this time of year.
The picture collage is just some of my favorite photos from the day Ian was born. The middle picture has become one of my most cherished because it is truly where our little family began. I was upset at first that they didn't have 'DAD' written on Hue's tag but the more I see it I think how perfect it is that it says 'FAMILY'. The other small pictures are just a glimpse at the love and support we have had from family and friends over the past 2 years. We could never have made it without each and every one of you. We love you and are blessed beyond belief to have you in our lives.

On August 2 Dyrk was blessed with the gift of life and received a new liver! This little boy is a true testament to the power of prayer. The donor was exactly the same weight as Dyrk and the liver was an EXACT match!! How amazing to see God's hand all over this!! What a sovereign and faithful God for hearing and answering our cries! Now, the road is not over for Dyrk. In fact, it is just truly beginning. He will still need to undergo at least 2 more rounds of chemo. Prayers are needed now more than ever for him to stay strong and healthy as his little immune system will be compromised to the max right now. Pray for Shelley and Dameon and his brothers that they will find peace and rest. Also please pray for the donor family. We are so thankful that Dyrk got a new liver but for this to happen another child had to die. During the worst time of their lives, this family was so unselfish and donated their child's organs so that other sweet babies could have another chance at life. What an amazing gift!
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